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T-Rex Arms Orion Inner Belt

T-Rex Arms Orion Inner Belt
T-Rex Arms Orion Inner Belt
T-Rex Arms Orion Inner Belt
The Orion belt sleeve needs an inner belt to function. So… we had one made. While designing our own, we wanted an inner belt that could be easily adjusted size-wise. Most inner belts fasten via-velcro. This can make it tricky to up-size or down-size the tightness of the warbelt depending on what clothes you’re wearing, or if you pass the belt off to a buddy. The heavy duty metal tri-glide makes it A LOT easier to adjust on the fly.
Select the same size inner belt as the belt sleeve you order for best fit. We build these inner belts with some extra length for adjustment. If your body doesn’t need the extra length, just trim the extra and burn the edge.

NOTE: This belt is NOT weight-rated, and doesn’t have a D-ring for rappelling. If you need an inner belt for safety lines or rappelling, there are a number of good options made by other companies. But if you don’t need that feature, ours works great.

Made in the USA.

NOTE: This is NOT an EDC belt worn in regular pant belt loops. It is sized larger than EDC belts so it can fit inside a warbelt effectively.
T. Rex Arms
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