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Tactical Tailor Low Vis MBAV Plate Carrier

Tactical Tailor Fight Light Plate Carrier | Tactical-Kit
Tactical Tailor Fight Light Plate Carrier | Tactical-Kit
Tactical Tailor Fight Light Plate Carrier | Tactical-Kit

Designed for clandestine operators, narcotics, gang, SWAT, military tier-1 special operations forces (SOF) personnel as well as plain clothed law enforcement officers looking to reduce their overall tactical signature for low visibility operations and plain clothed tactical operations.

The low visibility plate carrier is designed to be used in conjunction with SOCOM issued ceradyne plates, Velocity style steel plates with backer or ESAPI’s with MBAV soft armor backers.

The MBAV low vis plate carrier is may be used with Tactical Tailor’s hook and loop ammo pouches and can be worn under a cover shirt or as part of an assaulters kit when worn with MAP or Rudder RAC. 

May be worn with or removable w/o side plates and backer panels.

Tactical Tailor
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